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Service-Specific Terms - Lowis Tech

Service-Specific Terms

Effective starting: January 10, 2017

Your use of LOWIS TECH SRL is subject to the terms of the LOWIS TECH SRL Customer Agreement (the “Agreement”) as well as the following additional terms. Any capitalized terms used but not defined below have the meanings in the Agreement.

1.Repositories. Data that you upload to LOWIS TECH SRL are stored in “repositories.” Data stored in repositories are private (meaning that access to those repositories will be limited to those who have permission to access the repositories)..

  1. Storage Rules. We do not set pre-defined storage limits on Your Data in LOWIS TECH SRL. However, we do enforce parameters to ensure that you do not use LOWIS TECH SRL in a way that consumes a disproportionate amount of system resources (CPU’s, memory, disk space, bandwidth, etc.) or that would adversely impact the performance or operation of LOWIS TECH SRL for other LOWIS TECH SRL users.
  2. Granting Permissions. Be careful about granting permissions to your repositories. Once you grant such permissions, we will not be able to prevent those users from taking the actions allowed under those permissions, even if you don’t approve of those actions. Be especially careful about granting administrative access to your repositories, as some of those actions may be irreversible. For example, if you grant someone permission that allows them to move content in your repository to another account, we will not be able to reach into that other user’s account without their permission to recover the data, as we are not in a position to arbitrate disputes among our users. In that case, your only recourse may be requesting a takedown under our policy regarding Reporting Copyright and Trademark Violations or pursuing legal action against the other user directly.
  3. Responsibility for User Consent. Your administrators may have the ability to access, monitor, use, or disclose data available in LOWIS TECH SRL (including personal data). You will obtain and maintain all required consents from your LOWIS TECH SRL users to allow: (a) you to access, monitor, use, and disclose this data, (b) LOWIS TECH SRL to provide you with the ability to do so, and (c) LOWIS TECH SRL to provide the LOWIS TECH SRL service to you.